News and Updates

At Connect with Law we work with a variety of marginalised communities to deliver legal education and insight to the most vulnerable members of our community.

See our interview link, below, with Kalma Pattni for De Monfort University’s South Asian Heritage month arranged by Dr Indrani Lahiri, as we discuss our ‘Female Empowerment‘ Sessions for survivors of domestic abuse. 

Online gambling is a £136 billion a year industry. Some find it exciting and engaging to gamble for fun.

Others find it harder to know when to stop. That’s when gambling becomes problem!

In the UK, it is illegal for under 18’s to gamble online. Unfortunately, teens are often able to gain access to this industry whilst being under the legal age limit. There has been a distinct rise of online gambling among the under 18’s during lockdown.

At Connect with Law we are providing sessions and raising awareness of this new pandemic. The sessions educate participants around the relevant area of law concerned and signpost individuals to available resources and services, where, if necessary, they can receive free help and advice anonymously.

This session is available as a webinar, subject to COVID restrictions. If you believe your school or organisation would benefit from such a session, please contact: for more information.